Burlap has certainly been the most popular fabric for the past two or three years at all of the Furniture and Gift Shows. And although most of our clients aren't using it on major pieces of furniture, the pictures below show that even an accent of it can add texture and interest to almost any room. Although it is perceived as a very casual fabric, the juxtaposition of using it in a more formal setting elevates these rooms to a new level......adding the "shabby" to the French furniture's "chic."
As a tablecloth, the edges don't even need to be hemmed! One of our favorite sources for large inexpensive pieces of burlap is any landscaping center --- the burlap they use to wrap the root balls of trees. A little more loosely woven, these big pieces are a bargain, and need no seaming.
Burlap is great for outdoor entertaining, being natural enough to fit in with all of the flora and fauna.
Strips cut as ties dress "down" these chairs, and add the natural color to an otherwise all-white color scheme.

The placemats above and the valances below are burlap bags, complete with their original printing. We have lots of assorted authentic burlap coffee bags at the shop for only $5.00 each (any remnants of coffee beans --- FREE!)......great for your smaller projects.
My first experience with burlap was in college, when my roommate and I replaced our standard dormitory room's curtains with burlap ones. It was reasonable enough for us to be able to afford, and we didn't have to hem them! (We subsequently got in trouble with the dean of women......Most kids in school got in trouble for drinking or staying out late ---- but we got in trouble for replacing our curtains!!! Signs of interior designers in the making?!?) I still love the look of the burlap draperies above!
Cute little burlap pockets to hold the silverware would be a fast and easy project to dress up your next luncheon table. Try adding a little burlap to your spring decorating this week!
Special of the week: All jewelry, watches and scarves ---- 30% off May 29 through June 2. We will be closed on Memorial Day, May 28. HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY TO ALL!