Sunday, January 1, 2012

Bonne Annee

Happy New Year to everyone ......wouldn't you just love to be in Paris for New Year's Eve?? (Maybe that should be one of my resolutions for next year!) I love New Year's Day. It is a day to organize (I cleaned out my sock drawer), get caught up on little things you've procrastinated on through the holidays (wrote my thank you notes), set your goals for the coming year (I promise to post more blogs here), and review what you have accomplished in the past year (became somewhat more computer literate by starting this blog:). It always feels to me like a complete new beginning for wonderful things to come......and right now the plans for all of the upcoming store events are swirling in my head like the snow is swirling outside! I leave for Atlanta very soon to begin the buying process for Spring and Christmas 2012, and before long the store will be filled with lots of new and exciting merchandise. I hope all of you had a wonderful New Year's weekend, and are ready for new beginnings and wonderful things to come. Thank you for making 2011 a great year for us, and hope to see you in the shop soon!

P.S. Check the side of this blog for our updated calendar, and remember that our 50% off Christmas Sale will continue through Jan. 9.

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